Plas Poetry

‘Come & Create Your History Here At The Plas’

Inspired by some of the literary luminaries connected to the house over the years – Herewith a selection of poems compiled by Howard who has taken inspiration from all things that are uniquely found here at The Plas. Plus a humorous take on some the things encountered with the day to day running of the business. Kindly note that all content contained on this page is protected by Copyright ©.

Tan-Yr-Allt – A Poem – By Arthur Christopher Benson.

 Arthur Christopher Benson was a regular visitor who summered here at the house over a period of 12 years, acquaintance of famous composer Edward Elgar, and who wrote the words to the patriotic song ‘Land of Hope & Glory’ sung at the Last Night of the Proms each year. Herewith his poem Tan-Yr-Allt, which he dedicated to the house, produced and read by Howard.

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The Plas Wildlife & Gardens – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Join Howard who reads The Plas Wildlife & Gardens – Drawing inspiration from our beautiful surroundings and rich wildlife, with an introduction mentioning John Claudius Loudon known as the ‘Godfather of Gardening’, who termed the word ‘arboretum’ and came to stay here at the house for Christmas in 1806.

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The Woodpecker – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Join Howard who has decided to put a poem together on our resident Woodpecker who can be heard most days here at the house.

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Our Snowdrops & Daffodils – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 To mark the end of Winter and the start of Spring join Howard who has put a poem together of the glorious spread of snowdrops and daffodils that fill the banks and grounds here at The Plas.

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The Plas Dawn Chorus – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Join Howard who reads The Plas Dawn Chorus inspired by our very own dawn chorus each morning here at The Plas.

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The Waterfall – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Join Howard who reads The Waterfall featuring our very own waterfall here at The Plas.

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The Owls of Plas Tan-Yr-Allt – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Join Howard who has a close encounter with an owl who also reads ‘The Aziola’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley + his own poem ‘The Owls of Plas Tan-Yr-Allt’.

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Dear Roger & Anne… A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 We are blessed to have so many lovely guests stay – This poem in the form of a Thank-You Letter is just for you!

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The Keyboard Cowboy & The Fightback Of The Reviewee – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 It’s common place in hospitality as with a lot of businesses to be reviewed online through all the popular review sites. We certainly have built a solid business through our reviews and will always go that extra mile. However very infrequently, you will get the odd ‘amateur’ or ‘professional’ reviewer and some businesses will sometimes use the services of an Influencer to try and enhance their establishment. Influencers aside the ‘amateur’ or ‘professional’ reviewer normally are doing this as a hobby or self-gain. My poem ‘The Keyboard Cowboy & The Fight back Of The Reviewee’! is about such a thing…

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When Days Are Topsy-Turvy! – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Join Howard who reads his poem When Days Are Topsy-Turvy – ‘We all have had those bad days when things just don’t go to plan, even with the best will in the world – You know the ones where the more you do the worse it becomes and you wish, perhaps, you had stayed in bed! Well, this poem is about such a day but where you can turn the negative into a positive…’

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Pooh Corner – The Stinky Lament! – A Poem – By Howard Mattingley-White.

In the nearly 10 years since Mark and I have been running our Guest House when it comes to housekeeping you never know what manor of nasties lie in wait. Herewith a funny piece of fiction to illustrate such an incident!

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Are You A Moaning Minnie or A Cuthbert Who Complains? – A Poem From The Plas – By Howard Mattingley-White.

 Like any profession – Running a B&B has its Ups and Downs – Most of our guests are lovely but there are always the odd few who can be a challenge (in the nicest possible way) – Herewith a quick poem dedicated to them!

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MMXXV & The Red Terrorist – A Poem From The Plas – By Howard Mattingley-White.

  A dark poem by Howard with a warning for the future but with hope if lessons are learnt.

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