Plas Ghost Log

‘Come & Create Your History Here At The Plas’

Join Howard – The B&B Bard as he records some of our ghostly experiences in this Ghost Log of actual events, historic research, immersive storytelling & animation.

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A Paranormal TV Investigation – Can you handle a night in one of Wales’ most haunted houses? 👻 👀 👻

Ghost hunting here at the house – TV Presenters Iwan & Aimee interview a local historian + Mark and myself before conducting a paranormal investigation late into the small hours – What will they discover…Tune in to find out if you dare!
*Cysgu efo Ysbrydion / Sleeping with Ghosts premiered on BBC iPlayer & You Tube on the 23rd October 2024 and then shown on S4C (Welsh Channel 4) Gogglebocs Cymru (Welsh Gogglebox) on the 30th of October at 9pm + Halloween 31st October at 10pm on S4C as part of their spooky Halloween slate. 👻🎃👻

A special thank you to presenters Iwan Steffan & Aimee Lauren Fox + producer Sam Rhys & all the crew at Cwmnida TV who filmed earlier in the year – Thank you also for broadcasting and marketing to S4C / Clic & Hansh + BBC iPlayer & You Tube.

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Ghosts of The Plas

With all the paranormal activity that Mark, and I have experienced here at the house over the years – I thought I would share some of our ‘ghostly secrets’ which I have put together in our ‘Ghosts of The Plas’ video…

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Former Residents Keith & Annie Lord – Ghost Experiences 2000-2002 – The Ghosts of Plas Tan-Yr-Allt

Keith & Annie Lord former residents of The Plas & custodians of the house whilst it was being sold by the Steiner School – Lived here between 2000 and 2002 and during their time experienced many unexplainable and ghostly encounters…

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We have now decided to keep a log of all ghostly phenomenon – Herewith the latest unexplained entries in recent date order…

November 2024

At 6:42pm on the 25th November 2024 Mark and I were alerted by the sensors on the front door suddenly going off – This normally signifies that someone has opened or closed the door. However on entering the Hallway the door was wide open… Mark thought a guest had maybe gone out to their car and went to check the parking area… Nobody was there and upon checking the CCTV camera in the Hallway the door had mysteriously opened by itself..?
As you can see from the CCTV footage – It was not windy and the door was closed firmly shut prior to it opening – What do you believe..?
* After putting the post up on social media interesting to note: Former resident Keith Lord (whom I based an Audio Podcast on with their Ghostly Experiences) has just commented on our Facebook Percy Bysshe Shelley page: ‘Ah yes, a common occurrence !! Something we forgot to mention, sorry..!’
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October 2024

During the morning of the 13th October guests David & Lisa staying in Miss Hilda’s bedroom were getting ready to come down for breakfast…Lisa thought she had seen a piece of clothing slide off one of the chairs at the foot of the bed. Recounting the incident to Mark who was chatting to them over breakfast ‘It was like a dark woosh in the corner of my eye – I turned and saw nothing and shrugged it off when nothing was out of place…’ We would think nothing of this, as such,  had it been an isolated incident but both Mark and I have experienced similiar ‘dark wooshes’ in various rooms over the years.

September 2024

At 7:30pm this evening on the 20th September I decided to do the Laundry and get the guest bedding ironed…I set everything up, as always put my iphone by the rotary iron, I left the kitchen and bought the ironing up from the Utility room. When i entered the kitchen to do the ironing music was playing? My iphone had switched on and was playing a track from my favourite’s list automatically? This was very strange and unexplained as I hadn’t gone onto itunes and played any music…The track that started playing was Micael Jackson’s ‘Earth Song’ which I always listen to first when doing the ironing – It was almost as if whatever triggered this knew I was starting the ironing – Totally unexplained and odd..?

September 2024

Around noon today, on the 8th September, Mark was laying the breakfast tables and heard footsteps coming from the Hallway walking across the wooden floor… I was working at the other end of the house upstairs cleaning bedrooms and there were no guests in the house. Gentle instrumental music was playing in the background and Mark went firstly into the Hallway to investigate and then to the Library and Kitchen but nothing or nobody was there… These occurances seem to happen when you’re in the moment not really focused on anything – It’s a combination of an actual ‘feeling’ or an audible / visual ‘occurance’ that you know is happening, question it, but cannot explain it…

August 2024

Guests staying in Miss Hilda’s bedroom – On the 28th August ‘D’ was awoken in the early hours at 3am by a knocking on the door. Everybody in the house was obviously fast asleep in bed and she described to Mark at breakfast later that it sounded like someone was on the landing knocking / tapping gently on the door…

August 2024

Around midday today the 12th August I was coming down the stairs after finishing the housekeeping in the guest bedrooms. As I approached the foot of the staircase I heard a muffled noise which sounded like ‘happy’ whistling… All our guests had left and gone out for the day and we had some instrumental music playing quietly in the Hall – It seemed to be whisting in tune with the music! My initial thoughts were it was Mark, whom I assumed was re-setting the breakfast tables in the Dining Room, and I continued to the kitchen thinking nothing of it. However after leaving the kitchen and passing the Dining Room on my way back the whistling seemed to be coming from near the back door so I shouted out ‘Mark is that you’? There was no response so I decided to try and find him and tell him what I had heard…Eventually I located Mark who was at the other end of the Veranda having a cigarette – The strange thing was after explaining the spooky occurance ,was that he too had heard whistling, in the very spot, near the back door, about an hour earlier…

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December 2023

In the early hours of the 7th of December Mark and I had gone to bed early and I was awoken at around 2am in the morning. The television in our bedroom had switched itself on mysteriously… What was even stranger was the content on the screen… We have a Firestick and get lots of cable channels which we can access by one of the HDMI channels. When the television is turned off it automatically resets itself to the normal Freeview channels. However not only had the television mysteriously turned itself on but had automatically selected the HDMI channel and was alternating screens between my user profile, showing my name, in the settings menu and had selected a list of ghost films and programmes to watch?! It was almost as if someone or something was pressing the remote control, flicking between my user profile, and trying to send a message to get me to make a selection from the list of programmes to watch – I witnessed this for about 2 minutes before it stopped by itself – I then turned the tv off… The following morning before getting up to get the guests breakfast ready. To try and make sense of what had happened I tried to find out if there was any history or trace on the Firestick of last films or programmes selected – There was nothing…

December 2023

Lovely returning guests G and D stayed in Shelley’s Theatre. They had previously stayed in Miss Hilda’s and on their last visit showed Mark in the morning, over breakfast, a video they had taken which displayed an enormous amount of Orbs. D is a psychic had had never experienced anything like this before…On this trip however she reported nothing untoward in their stay in Shelley’s Theatre. She did however mention that she occasionally heard young children’s voices in the house including a small boy that didn’t say anything but just stood by her flicking his fringe? She also mentioned that a man kept touching the back of her head. We have had accounts about guests having their hair pulled previously whilst staying at The Plas…

November 2023

On the weekend of the 3rd of November 2023

Another very odd experience when Howard’s children came to stay… In the Drawing Room on the evening of the 5th of November (yesterday). We were sat in the Drawing Room and chatting… Suddenly a bottle of water sat on a side table suddenly lifted up and propelled itself about a metre across the floor and hit the Drawing Room door… No explanation at all as the bottle hadn’t fallen to the floor but literally flew across the room?

October 2023

On the weekend of the 28th of October 2023

A very, very strange experience with friends staying at The Plas… Mark and our friend were cooking Sunday lunch on the 29th of October. Mark had just checked the roast cooking in the oven with help from Katie. He asked a question ‘Do you think the meat is cooked or needs extra time’? Katie didn’t have time to reply before a strange voice said ‘Yes, I think that’s right…’ The voice was audible, and both Mark and Katie were totally bemused as nobody was in the kitchen at the time? Totally unexplainable as nobody was in distance of the kitchen.

January 2021

Another chilling and ghostly experience at the house……..Am currently conducting a lot of historical research on the house and our village of Tremadog which I am posting on our FB business pages. Part of my research involves going through old newspaper cuttings from the National Library of Wales online dating back to the 1800’s. Have just been to the toilet downstairs and heard a man’s voice in the hallway – thought it was the radio which I had left on in the kitchen. Went to turn the radio off only to discover it wasn’t switched on…very strange?

20th November 2020

OMG…I think I have just seen a ghost…Just finished my workout in the gym and went outside to cool down. Happened to look over to ‘Shelley’s Gate’ at the end of the garden near the waterfall and saw a tall figure with no distinguishable features apart from wearing a very old-fashioned smock with woollen edges. This happened at 8:30am this morning. The figure passed the edge of the wall near the gate and then disappeared? It wouldn’t have been a walker as it’s pouring with rain and the figure wasn’t dressed for the weather. This was very strange indeed…

The Ghosts of Plas Tan-Yr-Allt – Our Experiences When we first moved in…

When we moved into the house back in 2015 during our first few busy months of refurbishing several unexplained events occurred. The house was once owned by the Steiner School and both Mark and I on several occasions heard the sound of children’s laughter. Could this have been the residual energy from the school or perhaps from further back? On another occasion whilst I was in the kitchen a saucepan on the draining board mysteriously started to spin on its own accord. Lights in the Library have mysteriously turned themselves on and off. Mark also on more than one occasion had seen a dark shadow cross the room where an old doorway now boarded up used to be. My stepfather has also seen a ghost on the quarter turn of the stairs which he described as a tall, thin older man with a white frilly shirt…Both Mark and I in the early days definitely felt a presence here at The Plas albeit a gentle one.

Plas Podcast

‘The Ghosts of Tan-Yr-Allt’ – Ghosts of Wales By Peter Underwood.
An interview by author and former President of the Ghost Club Peter Underwood with Captain Sandy Livingstone-Learmonth, past resident of The Plas, who shares some of his ghostly experiences here at the house back in 1978… 👻👻👻
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Plas Ghost Stories

A Trilogy By ‘Ghost Writer’ Howard Mattingley-White – The B&B Bard ©

What Lies Beneath… A Chilling Ghost Story From The Plas – By Howard Mattingley-White.

I had a lot of fun writing and composing this short scary ghost story – Featuring some of our famous former past residents and visitors to The Plas including romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley who is instrumental to the narrative, brothers A.C. and E.F. Benson + M.R. James – esteemed authors of ghost stories and contained within the sub-plot… Turn down the lights – Turn up the volume – Watch if you dare! 👻👻👻

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The Curious Case Of Mr & Mrs Parker – ‘The Guests That Stayed But Never Left…’ – By Howard Mattingley-White.

Herewith my second short scary ghost story – Things are not always what they seem, when late on the eve of All Hallows 2016, an old Morris Minor pulls into the parking area revealing two tired and weary travellers Mr & Mrs Parker… Turn down the lights – Turn up the volume – Watch if you dare! 👻👻👻

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Chinese Whispers – The Curse Of The 3 Chinese Figurines – By Howard Mattingley-White.

Herewith my third ghost story in the trilogy – The evening is set and the party guests arrive for what promises to be an All Hallows night to remember. However, as the clock strikes midnight the atmosphere in the Drawing Room changes.The 3 antique figurines, bathed in soft candlelight and sat in a dimly lit corner, seem to change…   Turn down the lights – Turn up the volume – Watch if you dare! 👻👻👻

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A Christmas Ghost Story

The Enchanted Christmas Gathering By ‘Ghost Writer’ Howard Mattingley-White.

 ‘It was a last-minute booking – I remember it well, right up to the day before we closed on December the 23rd for our Christmas & New Year break, when a group of three ‘friends’ arrived, as if from ‘nowhere’, at Plas Tan-Yr-Allt just as dusk was falling.

Little did we know that this Christmas would be unlike any other’…

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The Paranormal Database

We are also listed on the Paranormal Database please CLICK HERE for further information on all things ghostly in and around The Plas…

Click below to read our Tripadvisor reviews.

Media Features

Excellence in Luxury Service Award 2020 – Luxury Bed & Breakfast Magazine

‘Excellence in Luxury Service Award 2020’ winning ‘Best UK Romantic Getaway – Highly Commended’. We particularly liked the historic connection with some of the former famous residents. Guests highly rate the service Howard and Mark offer in a property that is clearly an ideal romantic getaway. Additional touches that add the feeling of luxury to the service provided are also commented on in reviews. Plas Tan-Yr-Allt reflects the feeling of beautiful surroundings in a quiet idyllic location – ideal for a romantic break. The categories entered seem to be suited to the high ranking reviews received by guests at Plas Tan-Yr-Allt.

Luxury Bed & Breakfast Magazine